Smile for your mental health


Author: Ethan Tataje

In today’s world, we as a society have become more aware and conscientious of our mental and emotional well-being. With the lock-down of 2020 due to COVID-19, mental health had seen an extreme decline and awareness shot up. Whether it was self-isolation, not being able to work or go to school, or just the thought of a global health crisis, people had extended periods of time away from family, friends, and colleagues. Mental Health America released their findings from a nationwide mental health survey taken in 2020 and published in 2023. The general trend was that as the pandemic progressed, there was a large increase in online searches having to do with mental health, disorders, ways of coping, and general awareness. One of the issues people have faced when it comes to getting the help they need is the availability of mental health professionals. Now in 2024, more people have been able to get properly diagnosed and get the help they need.


Something many teens and young adults struggled with during the height of the pandemic was not being able to go out and socialize. Now that we have more or less gotten COVID-19 under control, some people still struggle with going out and reconnecting with others due to poor confidence and low energy. One of the biggest factors when it comes to low self-esteem and confidence is someone’s self-image. People tend to hyper fixate on aspects of their physical appearance, and one of the things people first notice about themselves and others is their smile. The great thing about the importance of your smile is that to improve it, you can first start by being consistent with brushing and flossing. Mercy Dental Group provides a number of services to help give their patients the smile of their dreams and regain their confidence. The doctors put their patients' health and happiness before anything else and walk them through every step towards their journey to the perfect smile.


Now, what does mental health have to do with a nice smile? Can a smile really do that much? Well, yes it can. Just as you have probably heard people say that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile, there’s actually a lot that can come from smiling. The action of smiling produces endorphins (as well as dopamine and serotonin) in the brain. Endorphins are the body’s natural painkillers, stress-relievers, and mood boosters. It goes without saying that when you have something you’re proud of, you want to share it with others. So, people with teeth they’re proud of are more likely to laugh and smile than those without. In extremely basic terms, having a good smile and smiling more leads to improved happiness. Of course this is just one aspect of taking care of your mental health, but it’s good to keep in mind. Don’t forget to smile whenever you have the chance! 

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